Polina Borgest
Let's get acqainted
I'm Polina Borgest. I create books and souvenirs. I'm from Russia. I speak English fluently, and I know a bit of German and Spanish. I'm also learning French and Italian in the moment. I live and work in Samara, and I love to travel a lot!

For me, the best investment are self-development, education, and traveling.
Why do I do what I do?
They say, that to understand what you really want to do in this life, it is important to remember your childhood passions. Going back, when my sister and I were little girls, sleeping on a bunk bed, it was my care to help my little sister Diana fall asleep. I would make up stories very easily. These were little series about talking objects, animals, and tiny people, with a new adventure each time.
And I've being created my own language. I had a notebook where I developed my own language system, teaching it my invisible friends.

I love singing and writing songs when I’m inspired. Like, I wrote this song called ""Unicorn Land"" just for ""The Tale of Six Unicorns,"" and I can't wait to show it to you all soon! A little while back, I was the lead singer for Mi Chico Latino jazz band. Oh what a real fun we had! Big greetings to my awesome musicians!
I really love European languages. I wish and dream of becoming a professional polyglot to be able to communicate easily with people in their own languages.

I’m a sports lover. In the moment I prefer yoga, fitness, sometimes skiing and surfing.
I'm also fond of drawing sketches, people, and portraits.
I play piano and love piano music, improvising and composing from time to time.
- Samara State University, Roman-German Philology (English and German languages)
- Samara State Economic Academy, Marketing (Presidential Program)
- Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, Pop and Jazz Faculty
- Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, Folk Crafts Faculty
- Hispano Samara Language Center, Spanish language
Experience. Work
After graduating my first University, I've been working as an English teacher at school, and later in the University. I've launched my own English speaking club called ""English English 63."" All what I did was in the same time with my main activity - business named ""Sambook"", Samara.
Today, "Sambook" stores are books, souvenirs and art - everything related to Samara. We sell Samara souvenirs, we promote Samara authors and artists, creating own products - gifts and books. And we have a gallery with Samara and Russian art.

In the '90s, my dad, Nikolai, was number one in the publishing business, who was promoting local authors in Samara. They published and sold books made by the publishing house in a small shop, that he opened especially for promoting Sambook (Samara Books) along with souvenirs and artwork from Samara artists. Over time, that small store had grown into the best touristic spot for the unique Samara souvenirs, books, and paintings in town. "Sambook" became my base for creativity and a place for exploration. To this day, it remains an amazing business that continues to develop my personality.
My first-born
"Big City Colours" is my true debut project. Before that, I had other publications, small books, guidebooks, but the "Colours" became a groundbreaking project for both me and Samara, with a total print run of over 5,000 copies. The first books came out in 2019, and they are still selling like hotcakes today. The top officials and leaders of the city and region choose my "Colours" as an elite gift representing Samara.

So, how the idea of "Big City Colours" was born?
A beautifully crafted gift edition featuring stunning photographs and reproductions from the best artists in Samara is definitely a collaboration at its core. If I did not have my gallery, I would probably have no such warm and engaging interactions with creative people - writers, artists, and photographers. There was a shared desire to create something that would make the city proud of. But what truly helped me to bring my vision to life - creating and publishing this amazing edition - was a deep sense of love and gratitude for my city.
How "Palette of Samara Region" was born

"Palette" is about... slowing down. I deeply love this book.
How "Unicorns" were being created
Кто ищет приключений — всегда их найдет. В 2020 году я с дочкой, которой только исполнилось 4 года, застряла на острове своей мечты — Тенерифе. Пандемия застала нас врасплох, но все что ни делается, как говорится. Много-много времени и ограниченность в передвижениях стали для нас суперплюсом по итогу. Мы с дочкой начали сочинять сказку, каждый день добавляя больше и больше деталей, представляя необыкновенных сущностей с нами.
Первые иллюстрации для книги я делала сама. Но объективно понимая , что это должно быть очень – очень профессионально, я параллельно думала, кто бы мог реализовать со мной мой сказочный посыл.
Ксению Мингалеву, иллюстратора «Единорогов», я знаю давно, училась у нее созданию кукол из полимерной глины, потом мы шили мишек тедди. В общем, Ксюша — воплощение сказочности и воображения с искренними живыми чувствами и собственным уникальным подходом к жизни. Мы нашли и почувствовали друг друга.

The Tale of Six Unicorns" has been released in both Russian and Spanish. It is currently available for sale in stores in Samara, as well as the Spanish version in several bookstores in Tenerife. The book can also be ordered online in both languages, Russian and Spanish.
Money talk
I do what I do simply because I enjoy it - never for the money. But each time you buy my product, it gives me a warm pleasant feeling in the solar plexus. It boosts my confidence and reassures me that I'm on the right way. It motivates me to keep creating something new and unique. For me, money represents freedom. The best way to invest those funds is by gaining even more freedom—launching new projects, growing, traveling, exploring the world, and sharing my ideas and love with others.
I greatly appreciate your purchases! If you want to support me, you can drop a donation and share your thoughts or wishes. Thank you very much!