Illustrated edition

The Tale of Six Unicorns

Children's fiction 

"The best investments for me are education, self-improvement, and travel "

Polina Borgest - writer

They say that to figure out what you really want to do in life, it’s important to remember your childhood passions.

Любителям фотографии

Immerse yourself in the vibe of the Samara region

откройте для себя незабываемые уголки природы и культуры!

A novelty for you

Beautiful City Guide

The new guide on Samara is a beautiful story with the photos and descriptions of the most popular and favourite tour routs of the visitors as well as the dwellers of the city."

Welcome to Samara!

Для иностранных читателей

"Единороги" на испанском уже на подходе!

Магия единорогов: Приключения в волшебном мире

Chain of stores

See the souvenirs!



Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on lately in the news.